Guitar Tonewoods for Luthiers

Inside the box.

Bracewood, Kerfed linings & Internal wood components packs.

Inside the box, Bracewood etc. Kerf new

Spruce & Mahogany kerfed linings

Spruce & Mahogany kerfed linings
(Price per kerfed Lining)

Kerf Lining

European Alpine spruce bracing material

Inside the box, Bracewood etc. Alpine bracewood

Now Available 550mm or 750mm long x 25mm x 100mm (or equivalent)
And quarter sawn on the 100mm face.
This is very nice quality soundboard grade bracing material.

Alpine spruce bracing material

Internal wood components pack.

1 spruce brace block 550mm x 75mm x 25mm quarter sawn on the 75mm face,
1 set of 3 mahogany cross grain back jointing strips,
1Mahogany Neck neck block 100mm x 100mm x 50mm
1 Mahogany Tail Block 100mm x 100mm x 25mm
1 set of 4 spruce or Mahogany kerfed linings, (Please select which you require)
£48 + carriage

Inside the box, Bracewood etc. bracewood 36mm thick

Inside the box, Bracewood etc. x grain back strip

Inside the box, Bracewood etc. neck & tail block

Inside the box, Bracewood etc. Kerf new

Kerf Linings

Inside the box, Bracewood etc. neck & tail block

Internal mahogany Neck & Tail Blocks

1 neck block 100mm x 100mm x 50mm.
1 tail block 100mm x 100mm x 25mm.
£7.50 + carriage.

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